Space Frontier Foundation



A new space race is taking place – this time not between countries, but between companies. In the Apollo era the ‘space players’ consisted of NASA, Boeing & Lockheed. Now, the list continues to grow to include nimble start-ups like SpaceX, Blue Origin, Sierra Nevada Corp. and more.

If you have a passion for space, space travel, discovery or science, now is the time to join the new generation of space pioneers. With booming activity in the private sector, the space industry has opened up to all disciplines. You have the opportunity to make a big impact on this exciting final frontier. All SFF volunteers must be self starters.

Graphic Designer

Space Frontier Foundation

Graphic Designer

Develop graphics on a regular basis for the Space Frontier Foundation’s website, social media accounts and events. Must have Adobe CS6 or later/Creative Cloud. Must have experience creating images for social media that promote engagement and connect to current events. This role will create images proactively – must be able to work independently and bring ideas to the table.

Expected time requirement: 3-5 hours per week.

Content Contributor

Space Frontier Foundation

Content Contributor

Become part of the Space Frontier Foundation’s network of content contributors. Write for the blog or source guest bloggers to produce relevant and valuable content that informs, inspires and ignites discussion. Content contributors must have knowledge of the commercial space industry. Connections to commercial space industry thought leaders is a plus.

Must meet SFF content requirements including (1) all content must include a multimedia component (pictures, infographics, videos, etc.), (2) content must be formatted for web consumption (breaking up paragraphs, bolding to enable skimming, bullets and using lists where appropriate), (3) must include a title that is created with SEO in mind and (4) must have identified target audiences and the how the content connects to SFF’s goals.

Expected time requirement: 2-4 hours per week.

Web Content Manager

Space Frontier Foundation

Web Content Manager

The SFF website must be consistently updated in a timely manner with relevant information (within 24 hours of an event or 48 hours of a content request). Google Analytics will be used to track the performance of the website and the content therein. Must have the ability to create high-quality images, memorable headlines and write for the web.

The Web Content Manager should be familiar with WordPress editing tools, have a keen attention to details including grammar/spelling/punctuation, and be prompt in communication and meeting deadlines. Familiarity with web programming is not necessary.

Expected time requirement: 1-3 hours per week.

Social Media Assistant

Space Frontier Foundation

Social Media Assistant

SFF needs a media literate Social Media Assistant to work with the Social Media Manager on strengthening social media engagement and expanding SFF’s network.

The Social Media Assistant should be familiar using Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, and have a basic understanding of how to appropriately write for each platform. This person needs to be accessible and able to collaborate remotely. Please review available SFF social media content for reference before applying.

Expected time requirement: 4-8 hours per week.